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 TopCo Virtual Airlines

TopCo Virtual Airlines Vuela al futuro con nosotros

Piloto: TOC119 Guillermo C. Aeronave: B737-800X TOPCO EC-DEF Distancia: 554NM
Origen ENVA Destino EKVG Duración 1.47
Validación Validado Tipo Charter Matrícula D-ABIB
ZFW 56012 Block Fuel/Initial FOB -1,492/0 Consumo en vuelo 3,655
Pasajeros 0 Cargo 0 Alternativo BIAR
Hora salida 1030 Velocidad en crucero 0458 Nivel de vuelo 360
Tipo de vuelo IFR Tipo de aeronave B738 Unidades de peso Kg
Fecha 17-12-2020 Comentarios del piloto Red IVAO
Accidente No Comentarios del validador Calificación del vuelo 77

Accidente OK Beacon off & Motores encendidos OK KIAS mayor 250 debajo 10000 FT OK
Luces OFF debajo 10000 FT Fallo Luces ON por encima 10000 FT OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pausa OK Refueling Fallo
Slew detectado OK Taxi con luces de taxi OFF Fallo Depegue con Landing lights OFF OK
Aterrizaje con Landing lights OFF OK Aterrizaje en aeropuerto no planeado OK Taxi Speed OK
Calado incorrecto en despegue OK Calado incorrecto en aterrizaje OK
Viento en aterrizaje 123º/4 kt Rumbo en aterrizaje 47
VS aterrizaje: -644.38 ft/min IAS aterrizaje: 140.79 kt
Fuerza G 4 G Alabaeo -2.5
Cabeceo 9.6 Flaps 33
Navigation Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON
Venta de artículos variados 3.00
Venta de artículos variados(3).Distance: 554 1,662.00
Venta de artículos variados(3). Flight duration: 1.47 4.41
Reserva de Vuelo Online 6.00
Transporte de Mercancías 45.00
Transporte de Mercancías(45). Fuel used: -1491.54 -67,119.30
Transporte de Mercancías(45).Distance: 554 24,930.00
WiFi a bordo 9.00
WiFi a bordo(9). Flight duration: 1.47 13.23
Bebidas y Refrescos 5.00
Bebidas y Refrescos(5).Distance: 554 2,770.00
Bebidas y Refrescos(5). Flight duration: 1.47 7.35
Catering 12.00
Catering(12).Distance: 554 6,648.00
Catering(12). Flight duration: 1.47 17.64
Reserva de Asiento 15.00
Equipaje de Mano Extra 20.00
Tarjeta de Embarque 10.00
Facturación de Equipaje 40.00
Facturación de Equipaje(40). Fuel used: -1491.54 -59,661.60
Tasas Aeroportuarias(10). Flight duration: 1.47 -14.70
Combustible -1.69
Combustible(1.69). Fuel used: -1491.54 2,520.70
Combustible(1.69). Distance: 554 -936.26
TOTAL -88,995.22
2020-12-17 11:12:00 SIM ACARS version 1.4.0017
2020-12-17 11:12:00 BOARDING017
2020-12-17 11:13:40 REFUELING 0,82%017
2020-12-17 11:14:00 REFUELING 1,36%017
2020-12-17 11:14:20 REFUELING 1,25%017
2020-12-17 11:14:40 REFUELING 1,33%017
2020-12-17 11:15:00 REFUELING 1,36%017
2020-12-17 11:15:20 REFUELING 1,24%017
2020-12-17 11:15:40 REFUELING 1,31%017
2020-12-17 11:16:00 REFUELING 1,37%017
2020-12-17 11:16:20 REFUELING 1,27%017
2020-12-17 11:16:40 REFUELING 1,28%017
2020-12-17 11:17:00 REFUELING 1,36%017
2020-12-17 11:17:20 REFUELING 1,27%017
2020-12-17 11:17:40 REFUELING 1,30%017
2020-12-17 11:18:00 REFUELING 1,37%017
2020-12-17 11:18:20 REFUELING 1,24%017
2020-12-17 11:18:40 REFUELING 1,31%017
2020-12-17 11:19:01 REFUELING 1,41%017
2020-12-17 11:19:20 REFUELING 1,22%017
2020-12-17 11:19:40 REFUELING 1,28%017
2020-12-17 11:20:00 REFUELING 1,37%017
2020-12-17 11:29:12 STARTING ENGINE 2 017
2020-12-17 11:30:08 STARTING ENGINE 1 017
2020-12-17 11:30:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 018
2020-12-17 11:34:17 TAXI TO THE RWY 117
2020-12-17 11:34:17 TAXING WITH TAXI LIGHTS OFF117
2020-12-17 11:39:12 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF4111
2020-12-17 11:39:36 TAKE OFF15716
2020-12-17 11:39:39 GEAR UP16756
2020-12-17 11:40:07 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 2041157
2020-12-17 11:56:26 CRUISE26135743
2020-12-17 12:43:56 DESCEND26934713
2020-12-17 12:55:48 LIGHTS OFF BELOW 10000 ft2459500
2020-12-17 12:58:06 CRUISE2226094
2020-12-17 12:58:36 DESCEND2145728
2020-12-17 13:02:56 CRUISE2064004
2020-12-17 13:06:03 GEAR DOWN2053995
2020-12-17 13:06:06 GEAR UP2043991
2020-12-17 13:06:07 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 2033988
2020-12-17 13:06:07 FLAPS EXTENSION 25 % 2033988
2020-12-17 13:06:08 FLAPS EXTENSION 37 % 2023985
2020-12-17 13:06:56 DESCEND1873511
2020-12-17 13:07:08 FLAPS EXTENSION 50 % 1823254
2020-12-17 13:07:09 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 1823243
2020-12-17 13:07:51 GEAR DOWN1602424
2020-12-17 13:07:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 75 % 1592397
2020-12-17 13:07:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 87 % 1592389
2020-12-17 13:10:07 LANDING141220
2020-12-17 13:10:43 TAXI TO THE GATE19288
2020-12-17 13:11:18 FLAPS EXTENSION 75 % 5288
2020-12-17 13:11:19 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 5288
2020-12-17 13:11:19 FLAPS EXTENSION 50 % 5288
2020-12-17 13:11:19 FLAPS EXTENSION 37 % 5288
2020-12-17 13:11:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 25 % 5288
2020-12-17 13:11:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 5288
2020-12-17 13:11:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 5288
2020-12-17 13:12:19 FLAPS EXTENSION 8 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 72 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 73 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:20 FLAPS EXTENSION 82 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:21 FLAPS EXTENSION 79 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:21 FLAPS EXTENSION 75 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:24 FLAPS EXTENSION 87 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:25 FLAPS EXTENSION 97 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:25 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:25 FLAPS EXTENSION 100 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:29 FLAPS EXTENSION 87 % 1285
2020-12-17 13:12:51 FLAPS EXTENSION 75 % 0285
2020-12-17 13:12:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 62 % 0285
2020-12-17 13:12:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 50 % 0285
2020-12-17 13:12:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 37 % 0285
2020-12-17 13:12:52 FLAPS EXTENSION 25 % 0285
2020-12-17 13:12:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 12 % 0285
2020-12-17 13:12:53 FLAPS EXTENSION 0 % 0285
2020-12-17 11:13:00001706BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:14:000017-4486BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:15:000017-12686BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:16:000017-20886BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:17:000017-29006BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:18:000017-37256BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:19:000017-45446BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:20:000017-53636BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:21:000017-54336BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:22:000017-54336BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:23:000017-54336BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:24:000017-54336BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:25:000017-54336BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:26:000017-54316BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:27:000017-542914BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:28:000017-54286BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:29:000217-54266BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:30:000217-54216BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:31:000017-54116BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:32:000017-54006BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:33:000017-53906BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:34:000717-53786BOARDING
2020-12-17 11:35:00132213-53626TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-12-17 11:36:00172610-53486TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-12-17 11:37:008210-53356TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-12-17 11:38:008010-53226TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-12-17 11:39:008010-53116TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-12-17 11:40:00196186841-51794CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:41:002092064171-5063-1CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:42:002492926503-4955-5CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:43:002482859893-4857-11CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:44:0029533311546-4764-14CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:45:0029634614518-4675-19CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:46:0029635817294-4584-24CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:47:0029636919767-4504-29CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:48:0029637722037-4424-32CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:49:0029638824062-4348-36CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:50:0029640125876-4276-39CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:51:0029541027562-4208-42CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:52:0029541729111-4140-44CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:53:0028741330934-4075-47CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:54:0027540632710-4015-50CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:55:0026540134259-3957-53CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:56:0025739935570-3903-55CLIMBING
2020-12-17 11:57:0026040235750-3860-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 11:58:0025940135747-3822-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 11:59:0026040235733-3783-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:00:0025840235723-3745-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:01:0025940935723-3703-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:02:0026040835713-3665-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:03:0025940935696-3626-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:04:0025840735695-3588-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:05:0025940635695-3550-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:06:0026141035697-3510-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:07:0025941235695-3474-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:08:0025941535696-3437-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:09:0025842035704-3399-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:10:0026042835722-3357-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:11:0025842635723-3321-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:12:0026042535723-3283-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:13:0025842435723-3246-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:14:0025942535722-3208-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:15:0025942535600-3173-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:16:0025942335561-3136-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:17:0025942735561-3097-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:18:0025942635560-3060-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:19:0025942635560-3022-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:20:0025942735560-2985-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:21:0025942735561-2947-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:22:0025942635560-2910-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:23:0025942635561-2872-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:24:0025942635561-2835-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:25:0026042935560-2796-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:26:0025942835560-2758-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:27:0025942835560-2721-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:28:0025942735560-2684-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:29:0025942735560-2646-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:30:0025942735560-2609-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:31:0025942735560-2571-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:32:0025942735560-2534-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:33:0025942735560-2496-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:34:0025942835560-2458-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:35:0025942735561-2421-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:36:0025942735560-2383-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:37:0025942735560-2345-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:38:0025942835560-2307-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:39:0025942835561-2270-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:40:0026042735560-2233-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:41:0025841835560-2200-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:42:0025941935561-2162-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:43:0025942035561-2123-55CRUISE
2020-12-17 12:44:0027043034486-2094-53DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:45:0028943331069-2088-47DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:46:0029441828152-2083-42DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:47:0029139825655-2077-38DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:48:0029038023289-2070-34DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:49:0028936221001-2063-30DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:50:0028534518839-2056-26DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:51:0028333116719-2048-22DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:52:0028132014635-2039-19DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:53:0028131012677-2031-15DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:54:0027830210706-2022-12DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:55:002752989854-1994-10DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:56:002402609260-1980-9DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:57:002492716835-1970-5DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:58:002262316101-1959-3DESCEND
2020-12-17 12:59:002142235330-1946-2DESCEND
2020-12-17 13:00:002052134894-1928-1DESCEND
2020-12-17 13:01:002052274579-1901-1DESCEND
2020-12-17 13:02:002062294280-18730DESCEND
2020-12-17 13:03:002052273998-18450CRUISE
2020-12-17 13:04:002052263992-18100CRUISE
2020-12-17 13:05:002052273993-17750CRUISE
2020-12-17 13:06:002052273995-17400CRUISE
2020-12-17 13:07:001852023433-17131DESCEND
2020-12-17 13:08:001541652281-16933DESCEND
2020-12-17 13:09:001421511286-16395DESCEND
2020-12-17 13:10:00142147319-15826DESCEND
2020-12-17 13:11:001311289-15206TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-12-17 13:12:0022285-15066TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-12-17 13:13:0000285-14947TAXI TO THE GATE