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 TopCo Virtual Airlines

TopCo Virtual Airlines Vuela al futuro con nosotros

Piloto: TOC108 Guillermo R. Aeronave: C208B GRAND CARAVAN EX Distancia: 114NM
Origen LEXJ Destino LEAS Duración 0.76
Validación Validado Tipo Charter Matrícula
ZFW 2526 Block Fuel/Initial FOB 501/0 Consumo en vuelo 98
Pasajeros 0 Cargo 0 Alternativo
Hora salida Velocidad en crucero Nivel de vuelo
Tipo de vuelo VFR Tipo de aeronave Unidades de peso Kg
Fecha 25-04-2020 Comentarios del piloto Red IVAO
Accidente No Comentarios del validador Calificación del vuelo 86

Accidente OK Beacon off & Motores encendidos Fallo KIAS mayor 250 debajo 10000 FT OK
Luces OFF debajo 10000 FT OK Luces ON por encima 10000 FT OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pausa OK Refueling Fallo
Slew detectado OK Taxi con luces de taxi OFF OK Depegue con Landing lights OFF OK
Aterrizaje con Landing lights OFF OK Aterrizaje en aeropuerto no planeado OK Taxi Speed Fallo
Calado incorrecto en despegue OK Calado incorrecto en aterrizaje OK
Viento en aterrizaje 0º/6 kt Rumbo en aterrizaje 1
VS aterrizaje: -140.72 ft/min IAS aterrizaje: 52.69 kt
Fuerza G 1.7 G Alabaeo -0.3
Cabeceo 6.2 Flaps 2
Navigation Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON
Venta de artículos variados 3.00
Venta de artículos variados(3).Distance: 114 342.00
Venta de artículos variados(3). Flight duration: 0.76 2.28
Reserva de Vuelo Online 6.00
Transporte de Mercancías 45.00
Transporte de Mercancías(45). Fuel used: 500.81 22,536.40
Transporte de Mercancías(45).Distance: 114 5,130.00
WiFi a bordo 9.00
WiFi a bordo(9). Flight duration: 0.76 6.84
Bebidas y Refrescos 5.00
Bebidas y Refrescos(5).Distance: 114 570.00
Bebidas y Refrescos(5). Flight duration: 0.76 3.80
Catering 12.00
Catering(12).Distance: 114 1,368.00
Catering(12). Flight duration: 0.76 9.12
Reserva de Asiento 15.00
Equipaje de Mano Extra 20.00
Tarjeta de Embarque 10.00
Facturación de Equipaje 40.00
Facturación de Equipaje(40). Fuel used: 500.81 20,032.40
Tasas Aeroportuarias(10). Flight duration: 0.76 -7.60
Combustible -1.69
Combustible(1.69). Fuel used: 500.81 -846.37
Combustible(1.69). Distance: 114 -192.66
TOTAL 49,117.52
2020-04-25 15:50:40 SIM ACARS version 1.4.1022
2020-04-25 15:50:40 BOARDING022
2020-04-25 15:50:40 STARTING ENGINE 1 022
2020-04-25 15:52:40 REFUELING -39,51%022
2020-04-25 15:55:04 BEACON LIGHT OFF & ENGINE ON022
2020-04-25 15:57:09 TAXI TO THE RWY 522
2020-04-25 15:58:16 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 1022
2020-04-25 15:59:01 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 2522
2020-04-25 15:59:02 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 1522
2020-04-25 16:00:30 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF3822
2020-04-25 16:00:38 TAKE OFF9222
2020-04-25 16:01:46 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 01231264
2020-04-25 16:02:02 CRUISE1301301
2020-04-25 16:02:52 DESCEND1591008
2020-04-25 16:03:32 CRUISE160893
2020-04-25 16:04:02 CLIMBING1361363
2020-04-25 16:05:42 CRUISE1571658
2020-04-25 16:26:22 DESCEND1331409
2020-04-25 16:27:02 CRUISE1251295
2020-04-25 16:39:28 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 11191448
2020-04-25 16:39:45 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 2831664
2020-04-25 16:39:52 CLIMBING801738
2020-04-25 16:40:42 DESCEND881708
2020-04-25 16:41:42 CLIMBING821607
2020-04-25 16:42:32 DESCEND1051311
2020-04-25 16:42:59 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 1120642
2020-04-25 16:43:56 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 21351468
2020-04-25 16:47:09 LANDING53422
2020-04-25 16:47:32 TAXI TO THE GATE20422
2020-04-25 16:47:32 TAXI SPEED ABOVE 25 KTS20422
2020-04-25 16:49:34 STOPPING ENGINE 1 0422
2020-04-25 16:49:50 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 10422
2020-04-25 16:49:51 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 00422
2020-04-25 15:51:400021018BOARDING
2020-04-25 15:52:40002139714BOARDING
2020-04-25 15:53:40002139714BOARDING
2020-04-25 15:54:40002139736BOARDING
2020-04-25 15:55:40002139836BOARDING
2020-04-25 15:56:40002139836BOARDING
2020-04-25 15:57:408142239936TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-04-25 15:58:40092139936TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-04-25 15:59:40002140036TAXI TO THE RWY
2020-04-25 16:00:401011052440136CLIMBING
2020-04-25 16:01:40125127113940535CLIMBING
2020-04-25 16:02:40154161112240735CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:03:4015516293940935CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:04:40148155167241234CLIMBING
2020-04-25 16:05:40157165165641416CLIMBING
2020-04-25 16:06:40160168166441715CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:07:40160169166541916CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:08:40160169167042216CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:09:40161169167042516CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:10:40160169168142716CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:11:40161169168943019CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:12:40158167169543220CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:13:40159166170143520CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:14:40157166170643720CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:15:40152156170044025CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:16:40149153169944224CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:17:40150152170244425CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:18:40149152170244725CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:19:40150149170544928CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:20:40158155171445124CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:21:40158167171645414CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:22:40160170172245714CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:23:40130141168745814CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:24:40121131167246014CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:25:40118128166646114CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:26:40131142131146214DESCEND
2020-04-25 16:27:40144152131946415CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:28:40151157134246614CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:29:40151158134246814CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:30:40151157134747014CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:31:40151157135547314CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:32:40150154136047514CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:33:40148154136247714CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:34:40149153136547914CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:35:40150154136548114CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:36:40150153137048314CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:37:40149151137648514CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:38:40150150138048814CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:39:408289165148913CRUISE
2020-04-25 16:40:408895174449013CLIMBING
2020-04-25 16:41:408189159349213DESCEND
2020-04-25 16:42:4012312988549314DESCEND
2020-04-25 16:43:40144145124449614DESCEND
2020-04-25 16:44:409099143949714DESCEND
2020-04-25 16:45:40839097649814DESCEND
2020-04-25 16:46:40788665949914DESCEND
2020-04-25 16:47:40132642249914TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-04-25 16:48:400442250014TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-04-25 16:49:400042150114TAXI TO THE GATE
2020-04-25 16:50:400042150114TAXI TO THE GATE