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 TopCo Virtual Airlines

TopCo Virtual Airlines Vuela al futuro con nosotros

Piloto: TOC146 Vicente Jose C. Aeronave: CESSNA SKYHAWK G1000 ASOBO Distancia: 113NM
Origen LEAS Destino LEXJ Duración 0.97
Validación Validado Tipo Charter Matrícula ASXGSA
ZFW 921 Block Fuel/Initial FOB 31/0 Consumo en vuelo 29
Pasajeros 1 Cargo 0 Alternativo LEBB
Hora salida 2130 Velocidad en crucero 110 Nivel de vuelo VFR
Tipo de vuelo VFR Tipo de aeronave C172 Unidades de peso Kg
Fecha 09-05-2021 Comentarios del piloto Red IVAO
Accidente No Comentarios del validador Calificación del vuelo 99

Accidente OK Beacon off & Motores encendidos OK KIAS mayor 250 debajo 10000 FT OK
Luces OFF debajo 10000 FT Fallo Luces ON por encima 10000 FT OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pausa Fallo Refueling OK
Slew detectado OK Taxi con luces de taxi OFF OK Depegue con Landing lights OFF OK
Aterrizaje con Landing lights OFF OK Aterrizaje en aeropuerto no planeado OK Taxi Speed Fallo
Calado incorrecto en despegue Fallo Calado incorrecto en aterrizaje Fallo
Viento en aterrizaje 290º/0 kt Rumbo en aterrizaje 53
VS aterrizaje: -192.24 ft/min IAS aterrizaje: 45.84 kt
Fuerza G 1.3 G Alabaeo -1.3
Cabeceo 5.4 Flaps 2
Navigation Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON
Venta de artículos variados 3.00
Venta de artículos variados(3). Number of PAX: 1 3.00
Venta de artículos variados(3).Distance: 113 339.00
Venta de artículos variados(3). Flight duration: 0.97 2.91
Reserva de Vuelo Online 6.00
Reserva de Vuelo Online(6). Number of PAX: 1 6.00
Transporte de Mercancías 45.00
Transporte de Mercancías(45). Fuel used: 30.86 1,388.70
Transporte de Mercancías(45).Distance: 113 5,085.00
WiFi a bordo 9.00
WiFi a bordo(9). Number of PAX: 1 9.00
WiFi a bordo(9). Flight duration: 0.97 8.73
Bebidas y Refrescos 5.00
Bebidas y Refrescos(5). Number of PAX: 1 5.00
Bebidas y Refrescos(5).Distance: 113 565.00
Bebidas y Refrescos(5). Flight duration: 0.97 4.85
Catering 12.00
Catering(12). Number of PAX: 1 12.00
Catering(12).Distance: 113 1,356.00
Catering(12). Flight duration: 0.97 11.64
Reserva de Asiento 15.00
Reserva de Asiento(15). Number of PAX: 1 15.00
Equipaje de Mano Extra 20.00
Equipaje de Mano Extra(20). Number of PAX: 1 20.00
Tarjeta de Embarque 10.00
Tarjeta de Embarque(10). Number of PAX: 1 10.00
Facturación de Equipaje 40.00
Facturación de Equipaje(40). Fuel used: 30.86 1,234.40
Facturación de Equipaje(40). Number of PAX: 1 40.00
Tasas Aeroportuarias(10). Flight duration: 0.97 -9.70
Combustible -1.69
Combustible(1.69). Fuel used: 30.86 -52.15
Combustible(1.69). Distance: 113 -190.97
TOTAL 10,026.72
2021-05-08 22:28:18 SIM ACARS version 1.4.10403
2021-05-08 22:28:18 BOARDING0403
2021-05-08 22:28:18 GEAR UP0403
2021-05-08 22:28:18 STARTING ENGINE 1 0403
2021-05-08 22:32:49 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 10403
2021-05-08 22:54:10 TAXI TO THE RWY 0403
2021-05-08 23:00:14 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF29403
2021-05-08 23:00:27 TAKE OFF64405
2021-05-08 23:01:16 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 0631071
2021-05-08 23:04:27 CRUISE1012446
2021-05-08 23:05:27 DESCEND1041993
2021-05-08 23:07:17 CRUISE711582
2021-05-08 23:10:57 DESCEND1151388
2021-05-08 23:12:07 CRUISE1091020
2021-05-08 23:28:29 LIGHTS OFF BELOW 10000 ft112990
2021-05-08 23:53:07 CLIMBING1141120
2021-05-08 23:56:05 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 1731449
2021-05-08 23:56:47 DESCEND831159
2021-05-08 23:57:54 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 274719
2021-05-08 23:59:20 LANDING4617
2021-05-08 23:59:27 TAXI TO THE GATE2018
2021-05-08 23:59:47 TAXI SPEED ABOVE 25 KTS1918
2021-05-08 23:59:52 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 13018
2021-05-08 23:59:54 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 03418
2021-05-09 00:09:17 STOPPING ENGINE 1 015
2021-05-09 00:09:17 SIM PAUSED015
2021-05-09 00:09:30 SIM UNPAUSED015
2021-05-08 22:29:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:30:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:31:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:32:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:33:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:34:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:35:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:36:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:37:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:38:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:39:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:40:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:41:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:42:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:43:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:44:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:45:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:46:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:47:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:48:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:49:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:50:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:51:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:52:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:53:1800402115BOARDING
2021-05-08 22:54:1800402115TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-05-08 22:55:1800402115TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-05-08 22:56:18815402215TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-05-08 22:57:1800402215TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-05-08 22:58:1809402215TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-05-08 22:59:1801401215TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-05-08 23:00:184055403215TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-05-08 23:01:1862681093314CLIMBING
2021-05-08 23:02:1861701831312CLIMBING
2021-05-08 23:03:1872892437411CLIMBING
2021-05-08 23:04:18101117247259CLIMBING
2021-05-08 23:05:181041172084510CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:06:1858781857510DESCEND
2021-05-08 23:07:1869881583511CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:08:1858811591511CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:09:18931121616611CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:10:18991181606611CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:11:181191321204713DESCEND
2021-05-08 23:12:181061161013714CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:13:181021121007814CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:14:181041141007814CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:15:181121211005914CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:16:181121221005914CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:17:1811212110051014CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:18:1811212110061014CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:19:1811212110061114CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:20:1811212110051115CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:21:1811212110051215CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:22:1811212110021315CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:23:1811212010001315CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:24:181121209981415CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:25:181121209961415CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:26:181121209941515CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:27:181121199921516CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:28:181121199891616CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:29:181121199861616CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:30:181111259651717CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:31:181121259611717CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:32:1810812210081818CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:33:1811012410331918CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:34:1811112410341918CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:35:1811112410342018CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:36:1811112410342018CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:37:1811112410342118CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:38:1811012510342119CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:39:1811012510342219CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:40:1811012610342219CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:41:1811112710412319CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:42:1811112610372319CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:43:1811012610352419CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:44:1811012610342519CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:45:1811112810362519CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:46:1811012810332619CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:47:1811012910372619CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:48:1811112110382719CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:49:1811212110352720CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:50:1811011510422820CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:51:1811211610472820CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:52:1811112610342920CRUISE
2021-05-08 23:53:1811113812192920CLIMBING
2021-05-08 23:54:187810515523019CLIMBING
2021-05-08 23:55:189210615883019CLIMBING
2021-05-08 23:56:18685214433119CLIMBING
2021-05-08 23:57:1869579343120DESCEND
2021-05-08 23:58:1862634633117DESCEND
2021-05-08 23:59:184750223115DESCEND
2021-05-09 00:00:18814143115TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:01:1809153115TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:02:1800153115TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:03:1800153115TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:04:1800153115TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:05:1800153215TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:06:1800153215TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:07:1800153215TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:08:1800153215TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:09:1800153215TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:10:1800153215TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:11:1800153215TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:12:1800153215TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-05-09 00:13:1800153215TAXI TO THE GATE