TopCo Virtual Airlines

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Piloto: TOC103 Germán P. Aeronave: JUST FLIGHT PA28 TURBO ARROW IV OK-MAN Distancia: 224NM
Origen GCXO Destino GCRR Duración 1.71
Validación Validado Tipo Charter Matrícula EC-GPL
ZFW 938 Block Fuel/Initial FOB 72/0 Consumo en vuelo 71
Pasajeros 1 Cargo 0 Alternativo GCLP
Hora salida 1815 Velocidad en crucero 170 Nivel de vuelo 045
Tipo de vuelo VFR Tipo de aeronave P28U Unidades de peso Kg
Fecha 04-06-2021 Comentarios del piloto Red IVAO
Accidente No Comentarios del validador Calificación del vuelo 99

Accidente OK Beacon off & Motores encendidos Fallo KIAS mayor 250 debajo 10000 FT OK
Luces OFF debajo 10000 FT OK Luces ON por encima 10000 FT OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Pausa Fallo Refueling OK
Slew detectado OK Taxi con luces de taxi OFF Fallo Depegue con Landing lights OFF OK
Aterrizaje con Landing lights OFF OK Aterrizaje en aeropuerto no planeado OK Taxi Speed OK
Calado incorrecto en despegue OK Calado incorrecto en aterrizaje OK
Viento en aterrizaje 12º/0 kt Rumbo en aterrizaje 298
VS aterrizaje: -148.41 ft/min IAS aterrizaje: 63.39 kt
Fuerza G 2.7 G Alabaeo -0.3
Cabeceo 1.1 Flaps 2
Navigation Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights OFF Strobe Lights ON
Venta de artículos variados 3.00
Venta de artículos variados(3). Number of PAX: 1 3.00
Venta de artículos variados(3).Distance: 224 672.00
Venta de artículos variados(3). Flight duration: 1.71 5.13
Reserva de Vuelo Online 6.00
Reserva de Vuelo Online(6). Number of PAX: 1 6.00
Transporte de Mercancías 45.00
Transporte de Mercancías(45). Fuel used: 72.45 3,260.25
Transporte de Mercancías(45).Distance: 224 10,080.00
WiFi a bordo 9.00
WiFi a bordo(9). Number of PAX: 1 9.00
WiFi a bordo(9). Flight duration: 1.71 15.39
Bebidas y Refrescos 5.00
Bebidas y Refrescos(5). Number of PAX: 1 5.00
Bebidas y Refrescos(5).Distance: 224 1,120.00
Bebidas y Refrescos(5). Flight duration: 1.71 8.55
Catering 12.00
Catering(12). Number of PAX: 1 12.00
Catering(12).Distance: 224 2,688.00
Catering(12). Flight duration: 1.71 20.52
Reserva de Asiento 15.00
Reserva de Asiento(15). Number of PAX: 1 15.00
Equipaje de Mano Extra 20.00
Equipaje de Mano Extra(20). Number of PAX: 1 20.00
Tarjeta de Embarque 10.00
Tarjeta de Embarque(10). Number of PAX: 1 10.00
Facturación de Equipaje 40.00
Facturación de Equipaje(40). Fuel used: 72.45 2,898.00
Facturación de Equipaje(40). Number of PAX: 1 40.00
Tasas Aeroportuarias(10). Flight duration: 1.71 -17.10
Combustible -1.69
Combustible(1.69). Fuel used: 72.45 -122.44
Combustible(1.69). Distance: 224 -378.56
TOTAL 20,533.05
2021-06-04 19:57:37 SIM ACARS version 1.4.002080
2021-06-04 19:57:37 BOARDING02080
2021-06-04 20:05:21 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:05:21 BEACON LIGHT OFF & ENGINE ON02080
2021-06-04 20:05:25 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:05:31 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:05:34 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:06:38 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:06:42 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:06:53 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:06:57 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:07:06 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:07:10 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:07:16 GEAR UP02080
2021-06-04 20:07:19 GEAR DOWN02080
2021-06-04 20:07:32 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:07:36 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:07:40 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:07:44 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:07:50 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:07:54 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:00 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:04 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:10 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:13 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:17 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:21 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:29 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:33 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:41 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:45 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:47 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:50 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:52 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:08:56 STOPPING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:09:03 STARTING ENGINE 1 02080
2021-06-04 20:13:16 TAXI TO THE RWY 122080
2021-06-04 20:13:16 TAXING WITH TAXI LIGHTS OFF122080
2021-06-04 20:20:04 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 162080
2021-06-04 20:21:08 ROLLING FOR TAKE OFF462081
2021-06-04 20:21:21 TAKE OFF872078
2021-06-04 20:21:21 LANDING882078
2021-06-04 20:21:26 TAKE OFF932126
2021-06-04 20:21:41 GEAR UP1012255
2021-06-04 20:22:03 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 01012651
2021-06-04 20:24:01 CRUISE1263686
2021-06-04 20:25:11 DESCEND1372951
2021-06-04 20:27:31 CLIMBING1051021
2021-06-04 20:31:01 DESCEND1712912
2021-06-04 20:32:21 CRUISE1493023
2021-06-04 20:33:31 DESCEND1582682
2021-06-04 20:35:01 CRUISE1522019
2021-06-04 20:36:01 DESCEND1601679
2021-06-04 20:36:51 CRUISE1521516
2021-06-04 20:50:51 CLIMBING1192097
2021-06-04 20:53:01 CRUISE1323080
2021-06-04 20:53:31 CLIMBING1263346
2021-06-04 20:55:22 DESCEND1393584
2021-06-04 21:02:22 CRUISE134736
2021-06-04 21:04:12 CLIMBING1291017
2021-06-04 21:04:52 CRUISE1311132
2021-06-04 21:06:32 CLIMBING1271384
2021-06-04 21:07:32 DESCEND158871
2021-06-04 21:08:02 CRUISE144668
2021-06-04 21:10:52 CLIMBING122911
2021-06-04 21:13:22 CRUISE1352482
2021-06-04 21:35:32 DESCEND1412467
2021-06-04 21:37:02 CRUISE1412465
2021-06-04 21:47:42 DESCEND1432468
2021-06-04 21:48:22 CRUISE1422504
2021-06-04 21:50:02 DESCEND1482319
2021-06-04 21:51:42 CLIMBING1111151
2021-06-04 21:53:12 CRUISE1261461
2021-06-04 21:54:02 DESCEND1281285
2021-06-04 21:54:43 GEAR DOWN106829
2021-06-04 21:55:06 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 193875
2021-06-04 21:55:32 CLIMBING871002
2021-06-04 21:55:52 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 2851115
2021-06-04 21:55:52 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 3851116
2021-06-04 21:55:57 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 2771167
2021-06-04 21:57:02 DESCEND92773
2021-06-04 21:57:52 CRUISE84425
2021-06-04 21:58:22 DESCEND80193
2021-06-04 21:59:02 CRUISE78156
2021-06-04 22:00:52 CLIMBING71427
2021-06-04 22:01:00 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 167560
2021-06-04 22:03:22 DESCEND1011408
2021-06-04 22:03:57 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 2991100
2021-06-04 22:05:02 CRUISE87563
2021-06-04 22:06:12 DESCEND89262
2021-06-04 22:06:48 LANDING6328
2021-06-04 22:07:07 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 13732
2021-06-04 22:07:07 FLAPS SET TO POSITION 03732
2021-06-04 22:08:23 TAXI TO THE GATE2044
2021-06-04 22:11:28 STOPPING ENGINE 1 248
2021-06-04 22:11:29 STARTING ENGINE 1 248
2021-06-04 22:11:30 STOPPING ENGINE 1 248
2021-06-04 22:11:35 SIM PAUSED348
2021-06-04 22:11:38 SIM UNPAUSED348
2021-06-04 19:58:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 19:59:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:00:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:01:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:02:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:03:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:04:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:05:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:06:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:07:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:08:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:09:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:10:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:11:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:12:36002080115BOARDING
2021-06-04 20:13:36182080116TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-04 20:14:3611152080116TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-04 20:15:3610142079116TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-04 20:16:369132079116TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-04 20:17:3614182079116TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-04 20:18:3619232079116TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-04 20:19:36482080116TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-04 20:20:3614112081116TAXI TO THE RWY
2021-06-04 20:21:3699992209215CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:22:361121253126313CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:23:361171313609312CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:24:361351573532413CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:25:371371502207415DESCEND
2021-06-04 20:26:37133144577418DESCEND
2021-06-04 20:27:371081201104517CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:28:371221362054616CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:29:371241382954714CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:30:371291463650712CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:31:371381573194813DESCEND
2021-06-04 20:32:371481673009914CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:33:3715817626201014DESCEND
2021-06-04 20:34:3715517120611116DESCEND
2021-06-04 20:35:3715216719581216CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:36:3715316615321317DESCEND
2021-06-04 20:37:3714916215021317CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:38:3715016014881417CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:39:3715115614661518CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:40:3715014614421618CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:41:3714615014411718CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:42:3714614914411818CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:43:3714715814431818CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:44:3714915914401918CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:45:3714915814412018CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:46:3714915114402118CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:47:3714914314402218CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:48:3715115113962318CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:49:3714814114372318CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:50:3712310818452417CRUISE
2021-06-04 20:51:3713211523152516CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:52:3712911529222615CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:53:3712711333712614CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:54:3713012336772713CLIMBING
2021-06-04 20:55:3712511036872813DESCEND
2021-06-04 20:56:3713311732332814DESCEND
2021-06-04 20:57:3713311728812915DESCEND
2021-06-04 20:58:371651467012919DESCEND
2021-06-04 20:59:371391234323020DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:00:371321164683020DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:01:371301146553119DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:02:371421265723120CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:03:371281229203219CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:04:3713011810943319CLIMBING
2021-06-04 21:05:3713111712003318CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:06:3712811513903417CLIMBING
2021-06-04 21:07:371591457393418DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:08:371331297133518CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:09:371331257033618CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:10:371311197163618CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:11:3711610815043717CLIMBING
2021-06-04 21:12:3711411623003815CLIMBING
2021-06-04 21:13:3713814124913815CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:14:3714114224973915CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:15:3714114324984015CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:16:3714114225004115CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:17:3714114325004115CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:18:3714114224994215CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:19:3714114325014315CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:20:3714214025004415CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:21:3713912524884415CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:22:3714113124974516CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:23:3714213724774616CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:24:3714012724914716CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:25:3714012824994716CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:26:3714113124994816CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:27:3714112825004916CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:28:3714112824994916CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:29:3714112825015016CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:30:3714013125005116CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:31:3714012824995216CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:32:3714113125005216CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:33:3714212924535316CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:34:3714012824715416CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:35:3714313024325516DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:36:3713912524665516DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:37:3714112824675616CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:38:3714412923795716CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:39:3714012524715816CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:40:3714012524935816CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:41:3714012624285916CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:42:3714013324336016CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:43:3714112723726016CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:44:3714012524086116CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:45:3714012524546216CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:46:3714012824756316CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:47:3714113025026316CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:48:3713912725286416CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:49:3714513724666516CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:50:3712911313376518DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:51:371149810736618DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:52:3712011413246617CLIMBING
2021-06-04 21:53:3712712215266717CRUISE
2021-06-04 21:54:371141058246718DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:55:37857510326718CLIMBING
2021-06-04 21:56:37897511946817CLIMBING
2021-06-04 21:57:3784714576819DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:58:3777681246919DESCEND
2021-06-04 21:59:3777661956919CRUISE
2021-06-04 22:00:3772663817019CRUISE
2021-06-04 22:01:37648212077017CLIMBING
2021-06-04 22:02:3711113015957116CLIMBING
2021-06-04 22:03:379410613777217DESCEND
2021-06-04 22:04:3789776247218DESCEND
2021-06-04 22:05:3786734817319CRUISE
2021-06-04 22:06:377667467320DESCEND
2021-06-04 22:07:373325367320LANDED
2021-06-04 22:08:372012447320TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-06-04 22:09:371411457320TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-06-04 22:10:3780477320TAXI TO THE GATE
2021-06-04 22:11:3720477320TAXI TO THE GATE